100 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 15, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette
White potatoes for sale: Cobblers for eating, 50 cents per bushel. Cobblers for seed, late grown, $3.30 per 10 pks. N.S. Hopkins, Nuttall.
Roofing cheap: Another large shipment of heavy weight slate surface roofing. Price $2.00 per roll. Terms cash at these prices. W.C. Tucker, Gloucester, Va.
Protect your property: Post your land against trespassers. Posted signs at Gazette Office, printed on tough tagboard that withstands the weather. 10 cents each; 4 for 25c; 10 for 50c; 25 for $1.00.
from the Mathews Journal
Gwynn correspondent reports: Mrs. Arthur Gay is quite sick at this time. Miss Lenia Blake has gone to live in Middlesex. Owing to the inclemency of the weather there was no preaching here Sunday.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Timmie Callis was made happy by the arrival of a little baby girl recently. Mr. T.E. Edwards had the misfortune to mash his hand very badly last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn have moved to the Island an...
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