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Gloucester’s Werowocomoco site envisioned as national park

Following a path that was likely well-used in centuries past, Virginia’s governor sailed across the York River to Gloucester on Tuesday, landing at Werowocomoco, the capital of the Powhatan Chiefdom in the late 16th to early 17th century.
Although he made the trip in the motorized craft of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission rather than the dugout canoes of Chief Powhatan’s tribesmen or the shallop that Captain John Smith used, Gov. Terry McAuliffe nevertheless was able to experience the mystery and majesty of the old Indian site.
The purpose of the visit was to actually see the property that McAuliffe had already decided should be included in the National Park Service system as part of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail.
He told those gathered that money to purchase a portion of the 261-acre tract that has belonged to Gloucester residents Bob and Lynn Ripley since 1996 is included in President Obama’s upcoming federal budget. He said he ha...

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