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Gloucester Volunteer Fire and Rescue to hold open house Sunday

An open house will be held from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday at Gloucester Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad Station 1 on Main Street. The occasion will mark the beginning of National Fire Prevention Week, which is Oct. 6-13.
There will be fire truck rides for children, demonstrations of firemen donning their turnout gear, tours of the station, and the opportunity to learn about the equipment on the fire trucks and ambulances.
Firefighters will be handing out templates for fire escape plans for homeowners, as well as favors for children, including coloring books with information about fire safety, plastic helmets, and Junior Fire Chief badges.
GVFRS Fire Prevention Officer Tony Villani said that firefighters will also be visiting all of the elementary schools in the county during the week, giving demonstrations such as going from street clothes to full turnout gear, including mask and air pack. He said this helps children become familiar with what a fully-dressed firefighter looks and sounds li...

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