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Gloucester tax bills mailed out May 31

The Gloucester Treasurer’s Office has mailed the first installment of 2022 real estate and personal property tax bills on May 31 with a due date of June 30.
In April, the Gloucester Board of Supervisors voted to reduce the tax rate for qualifying vehicles and trailers because of increasing values. The reduction in rate brought the amount owed to an amount similar to last year’s.
Gloucester Treasurer Tara Thomas said there is an issue on certain bills with travel-trailers that qualify for the reduced rate but were not identified prior to the bills being mailed.
“While the item is listed, the tax amount is missing on the bill, so it appears that the total is incorrect,” Thomas said. “The total due showing on the bill is correct even though some of the item amounts are missing.”
If you have not received your tax bill or you think your bill is incorrect, call the Treasurer’s Office at 804-693-2141 to verify what you owe. By law, failure to receive a bill does not relieve the taxpayer of pe...

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