The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Colonial Courthouse. The board will also hold a retreat on Saturday, Jan. 25, beginning at 8:30 a.m. in Building One.
On the consent agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is an update to the Middle Peninsula All Hazards Mitigation Plan Service Agreement, a request from the Virginia Health Department to execute the Statement of Agreement for FY 2025 for funding and services of the Gloucester Health Department, a resolution to end the declared local emergency, and a resolution to update membership on the Eastern Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority.
Work agenda items for Tuesday’s meeting include a request for the appropriation for Joint BOS/EDA Small Business Incentive Grant Program as well as a presentation of FY 2026-2030 Capital Improvement Plan and request for public hearing.
Retreat topics will include personnel salary assessment, transportation and growth, crime statistics, and media contact during eme...
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