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Gloucester supervisors to meet Tuesday

The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors has a packed agenda for its meeting Tuesday night in the colonial courthouse. One of the items will be a continued discussion on whether to reduce the county’s Resource Management Area requirements. The meeting will begin at 7 o’clock, and no public hearings are scheduled.
Gloucester currently has a countywide RMA, but a number of supervisors have expressed the opinion that the requirements could be lessened in order to make the county more attractive for small business and nonprofit organizations.
Others, such as a number of scientists from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, including Abingdon District supervisor Robert “JJ” Orth, have said the current ordinances aimed at protecting the Chesapeake Bay such as the countywide RMA have played a role in the increasing good health of the waterway.
In other news, Gloucester’s Parks, Recreation and Tourism director Carol Steele is expected to gi...

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