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Gloucester school board discusses budget

The Gloucester School Board met Tuesday night in the T.C. Walker Education Center to continue discussion of its 2023-2024 budget.
Chief Financial Officer Heather Lucas and Gloucester County Public School Superintendent Dr. Walter Clemons presented an updated version of the superintendent’s recommended budget. The budget was last reviewed in January. A few revisions and updates from the last budget presentation include the following:
—An estimated increase of 5 percent for health insurance ($365,095);—Additional kindergarten teacher and paraprofessional positions at Abingdon, Botetourt and Petsworth elementary schools be considered in FY25 instead of FY24; and—Removal of the Page Middle School request to add a paraprofessional to provide support for history and social studies.
Important Capital Improvement Projects for FY24 include allocating $958,576 for the school bus replacement cycle, $124,000 for retrofitting the air conditioning in school buses and $175,000 for replacing locksets ...

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