Homer and Owen Lanier gave presentations to the Gloucester Ruritan Club at its June meeting. Homer, manager of the Visitor’s Experience for the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown (jyfmuseums.org) praised immigrants Nick and Mary Mathews, the late previous owners of the former Nick’s Seafood, who donated 26 acres of land for the Yorktown Victory Center which opened on April 1, 1976 to commemorate the nation’s bicentennial. Owen, a rising sophomore at Gettysburg College, is currently interning for the American Battlefield Trust (battlefields.org) with the mission of preserving Revolutionary War and Civil War battlefields. He discussed his efforts in researching and producing social media content that recognizes Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, along with their incredible stories of heroism. Here, club president Jackie Beyea presented Owen and Homer Lanier a mug in appreciation for their talk.
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