A former resident of the Gloucester County Animal Control (GCAC) shelter is now living the life of Riley as the ECO—Executive Canine Officer, that is—of the five-star, pet-friendly Jefferson Hotel in the heart of Washington, D.C.
So how does a lovable, homeless beagle make it all the way from scrounging through the trash for his next meal to residing at one of the premier addresses in the nation’s capital, home away from home for high-ranking officials, and even the president?
The answer is a little bit of luck and a whole lot of help from two volunteer pet rescue groups, one in Gloucester, and the other in Rockville, Md.
Last fall, a GCAC officer picked up a small, stray, male beagle. Like most dogs that come into the GCAC shelter, this little two-year-old fellow had serious medical issues—in this case, infestation of heartworms and some very bad teeth. But he also had an oh-so-adorable face.
He was named Dodge and the Animal Rescue Team, an outreach program of...
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