The Gloucester Planning Commission voted to recommend a conditional use permit seeking to establish a utility-scale solar energy facility on the south side of Daffodil Lane (Route 693) at its virtual meeting held last Thursday night.
The applicant, Strata Solar Development, LLC, is seeking the CUP to establish Camellia Solar on 7956 Daffodil Lane which is in the C-2 (Bayside Conservation) zoning district (a residential district). It is 137.64 acres in size.
The commission received one public comment in the form of a voice message for the solar farm public hearing. “As far as I’m concerned at this point I have no objections,” said Nona Merrill of Creeks End Road who is an adjoining property owner of the proposed solar farm site. “I think it’s probably going to be the best thing for that particular land and it does not seem that it will affect my property at all.”
The planners discussed the benefit of having another solar farm in the county.
“I think there’s definitely a critical balance...
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