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Gloucester planners recommend denial of event venue

The Gloucester County Planning Commission met last Thursday in the colonial courthouse where members unanimously voted to recommend denial of a proposed conditional use permit to establish an event venue on Baileys Wharf Road overlooking the Ware River.
The proposed Wareview Manor Event Facility is positioned on 4.64 acres and is zoned C-2, Bayside Conservation. No new structures were proposed to be built on the property.
The property has a single-family dwelling, three-car garage apartment and a chapel. The land also has room for 56 parking spaces, which will remain a grassy area.
The applicant, Tiffany A. Hellebrandt, as well as property owners Bob and Mitch Simpson, who are brothers, proposed two to three events per month with a maximum of 140 guests per event and all operations ceasing by 11 p.m. The current structures of the property would be in use with some temporary facilities (tents, portable toilets, etc.) being set up on an as-needed basis. There would be potential off-site ...

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