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Gloucester planners recommend approval of solar facility regulations

The Gloucester County Planning Commission voted unanimously last Thursday night to recommend approval of a change to county code regulating utility-scale solar facilities.
According to staff documents, the proposed changes “would require a Conditional Use Permit for utility-scale solar energy facilities in RC-1 [Rural Countryside District]” and “adds conditions whereby sureties and decommissioning plans may be re-reviewed periodically, sets out responsibilities for third-party inspections, and adds a phasing component for facilities that exceed two-hundred acres in area.”
During public comment, concerns over the changes to the ordinance were expressed. Jade Scheele, representing Apex Clean Energy of Char-
lottesville, discussed the ways the proposed changes would impact her company’s projects in Gloucester. “It could have negative repercussions for us in our construction by limiting it to 200 acres,” said Scheele. “Even in the rolling 200...

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