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Gloucester Montessori School to begin Sept. 5

Gloucester Montessori School is set to begin its new school year Sept. 5, the Tuesday after Labor Day, at full capacity with a waiting list. The school educates children from the age of 16 months through sixth grade.
“Our elementary is bursting at the seams,” said Head of School Michelle Colby. This year, the school is welcoming lots of first graders.
For students who will be attending school for the first time, Gloucester Montessori will have “a gentle phase in” the last week of August for those students to get acclimated to their surroundings and teachers, according to Colby.
“People come and they stay,” she said.
The school strives to handle all things with intention, especially with transitions, and will accommodate families and students however they need.
“We have a huge retention rate here,” said Colby.
Gloucester Montessori is preparing to break ground on its new outdoor classroom that will feature a pergola and an indoor section with the goal to “use to space year-round and wea...

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