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Gloucester looks to record staff interactions

Gloucester County Brent Fedors wants to establish an administrative policy concerning quality assurance when government workers use audio recording to provide an open government policy that will “help keep us accountable.”
Gloucester County has no audio recording policy at present, Fedors said Monday. The matter will be on the agenda again for the Gloucester Board of Supervisors meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 6, in the colonial courthouse.
Although he often handles administrative policies himself, Fedors said he thought it important to hear what the supervisors—as well as the public—think of the policy. “We are not trying to catch bad guys, but want to have civil engagement with residents,” he said.
Fedors said he wants to put the audio recording and a separate, but also important, civility policy into effect on July 1. He asked the supervisors and the public to comment on the matter by today. The administrator’s office telephone number is 804...

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