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Gloucester High School seniors pursue final months in solitude

The spread of COVID-19 shut down schools and restricted everyone to their houses, heavily altering student life in Gloucester. Students are adjusting from going to school every day to staying at home, alone. Without the structure of physically going to school, the new challenge for students is managing time and remembering to stay up to date on assignments.
The shutdown has been especially hard on Gloucester High School seniors. Now in the fourth week of quarantine, many of them are finally grasping the reality that their final moments of high school have been stolen. They have grown to miss the routine of going to school every day and seeing their friends, and even the rare few students who don’t miss their routine regret not getting the “senior experience.”
Among the seniors interviewed recently by the Gazette-Journal, many said that the workload was not massively large or overwhelming, but the process of keeping up with it and finding discipline by themselves had become difficult. O...

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