The Gloucester Board of Supervisors held its public hearing Tuesday night for the county’s Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2026-2030. Before the hearing, County Administrator Carol Steele briefly went over the plan.
Steele said that the CIP objectives are the same as in previous years, the CIP processing was the same other than a modification on how the forms were submitted and the CIP project scoring/prioritization rating was the same.
New and modified project requests, totaling roughly $81.95 million, include: in FY26—GVFR Station One, replacement of finance software, Beaverdam Park bulkhead and dock, school casework replacement, Building Two window replacement and IT network overhaul and replacement; FY28—Gloucester Point Library and Tyndall’s Point Park to GPB Connector; FY29—Carpet replacement; GHS to GMHS old landfill trail; and FY30—Community Center, and Animal Shelter addition.
A 4 percent inflationary contingency factor was used and applied to the total project costs...
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