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Gloucester board adopts plan to make up missed snow days

The Gloucester County School Board added Wednesday, June 10 to the 2014-2015 school calendar and 15 minutes to each school day from now through the end of the year to make up for missed snow days during a special meeting held last Thursday at the T.C. Walker Education Center.
The 15 minutes will be added by starting the school day 10 minutes earlier and dismissing students five minutes later at all eight county schools. The plan to make up instructional time was approved in a 5-0 vote, with board members Randy Burak and Kim Hensley absent.
“We feel this is the best recommendation at this time,” said school division superintendent Walter Clemons. Students missed eight days of classes due to snow in February, started school two hours late on three days and had one early dismissal.
Board vice chairman Charles Records asked if adding more time to the days, rather than requiring attendance on June 10, would be more beneficial for instructional purposes.
The school officials said...

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