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GHS softball wins first round in regional play

The Gloucester High School varsity softball team beat the Bethel Bruins, 6-5, last Thursday in the first round of the Virginia High School League Class 5 Region B tournament.
The Lady Dukes took a quick 2-0 lead in the first inning. Sadie Bowden was walked to first, stole second and advanced to third on a Hailey Hardaway single. The bases were loaded when Jayanna Richards was walked to first. Kaia Hutton’s line drive allowed Bowden and Hardaway to earn one run each.
In the following innings, Makayla Hernandez, Samantha Carlton, Hardaway and Kennedy Bohannon scored four more runs for Gloucester. By the end of the game, Hutton had two hits with four RBIs.
Gloucester was scheduled to face Nansemond River last night at Stoney Run Sports Complex in Newport News in the second round of the regional tournament. Scores were not available by press time.

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