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GHS renovation ahead of schedule

Students starting school Monday at Gloucester High School can expect to enter a newly renovated ‘D’ hall, now called 300 hall, as renovation efforts for the school have now moved ahead of schedule.
“It’s been quite a whirlwind over summer,” said Charles Records, construction/project coordinator for Gloucester County Public Schools.
Over the summer, 300 hall received new roofing, HVAC systems, windows, paint, flooring, lighting and plumbing. Also completed by E.T. Gresham over the summer months were the media center/library, commons, cafeteria, kitchen, band room, chorus room and drama room.
“We’ve opened up a bunch of new restrooms with the work we’ve done over the summer,” said Records.
Currently under con-struction are the girls’ locker room, extended learning area and ‘C’ hall, which will be known as 200 hall. The girls’ locker room is slated for completion in December. The new extended learning area will be located in the previous administration and clinic space and should be ready...

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