The Guinea Heritage Association’s Fourth Friday program for February honors Black History Month. The Friday, Feb. 28 program will feature the Rev. Larry Arrington, pastor of First Morning Star Baptist Church, Bena. The program will be held from 6-7 p.m. at the Buck’s Store Museum.
Mr. Arrington will share his reflections about the church, its long history, and the role it plays in the continuing life of the community.
Three years after the Civil War, on Saturday, July 11, 1868, Union Baptist Church presented to the approximately 200 African-American members, a “letter of dismissal” and authorized them to organize a church of their own. The church was named “Morning Star Colored Baptist Church” and a former sawmill was the first worship structure, according to the church website.
In 1904, the church family built its first permanent sanctuary, located a quarter of a mile down the road from Union, the “mother church.” The early church motto was “Let us continue in the faith; God has been ...
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