Alyssa Ford Morel will give a talk titled “The Hospitable Gardener: Welcoming Fireflies and Other Creatures to Your Yard” at this year’s Gardening in the Northern Neck seminar on Saturday, March 29, at the White Stone Church of the Nazarene in Lancaster County.
Morel will suggest practices to welcome and support fireflies, hummingbirds, lady bugs, and other creatures with whom we share our yards. Those attending will also learn ways to start addressing the biodiversity crisis at home by using specific native plants.
Morel was raised in a gardening family in California. She resides in Arlington with her birding husband, and gardens professionally and as a volunteer. She is an Extension Master Gardener and a Master Naturalist. She serves as a Wildlife Sanctuary Program Ambassador with the Northern Virginia Bird Alliance and as a co-coordinator of the Glencarlyn Library Demonstration Garden. She said that she’s “fascinated by the creatures we share space with and that we ensure our garden...
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