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Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar set for March 29

The Northern Neck Master Gardeners’ 31st annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar returns to the White Stone Church of the Nazarene on Saturday, March 29.
This year’s theme is “Gardeners: Caretakers of the Environment.” Speakers are Dan Benarcik, of Chanticleer Garden, who will share with the audience the 25 plants that he could not garden without; Alyssa Morel-Ford, will teach how to welcome fireflies and other beneficial guests to gardens; and Peggy Singlemann, host of the television series Virginia Home Grown, who will present “Connecting the Garden to our Environment.”
The program will also include a selection of homemade goods at the hospitality table, and the Marketplace with yard art.
NN Master Gardener president Michelle Kramer said she is excited by the outstanding speaker lineup and about the NNMGs taking part in the Marketplace by offering both plants and yard art for the first time.
The funds that the seminar raises will be given to local students for 4-H and college s...

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