A decision has still not been made on the future of Page Middle School. The matter was discussed during a joint meeting between the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors and the Gloucester School Board last Thursday night and again Tuesday night at the regular meeting of the board of supervisors in the colonial courthouse. Much of Page school was destroyed during an April tornado.
Supervisors ultimately decided Tuesday night that they would discuss financing the project more in depth at their next meeting on Nov. 15, and a final vote on the fate of the school could be made in December.
The board of supervisors heard from the county’s financial consultants Tuesday night, who provided some insight into what the county could afford.
According to the consultants, Davenport & Company, depending on which option was chosen, it could cost taxpayers an additional 2.75 to 10 cents on the real estate tax rate. It was estimated that there would be an additional one cent added to...
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