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Fourth quarter honor rolls announced

Gloucester High School
Gloucester High School recently released its honor rolls for the fourth quarter of the 2016-2017 school year. Students receiving all As during the marking period were:
Seniors—Leah Alto, Autumn August, Vivian Austin, Skyler Bauman, Abby Beck-Giambanco, Alexis Belcher, Gema Bellino, Courtney Binns, Tyler Brown, Stephen Burrell, Mackenzie Chriscoe, Ryan Chriscoe, Wesley Clayborne, Olivia Coates, Caroline Cox, Hailee Fansler, Sophia Ferguson, Stephen Gardner, Taylor Green, Nicole Groen, Melissa Guerra, Ronald Hansford, Kylie Hargrave, Karlyn Harwood, Faith Hogge, Bret Hubbard, Benjamin Hurd, Brooklyn Inge, Joseph Irungu, Candace Johnson, Brittni Jones, Melodie Jurgensen, Jason Jutras, Ken-
dall Keel, Patrick Kerr, Caroline Kersey, Frances Knight, James Lasseigne, Peter Lebel III, William Leigh, Casey Martin, Ashley McCormack, William Miller, Antonio Morales, Kaitlyn Parker, Jaina Pattisall, Nicole Pope, Olivia Powell, Alexandra Rhodes, Samantha Richardson, Ale...

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