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Former nursing home prepared for demolition

The old Horn Harbor Nursing Home in New Point is a sad sight these days. Once considered a much-needed and welcome addition to Mathews County, with 77 beds at its peak, the vine-covered structure now sits with windows and doors broken out, portions of the roof caving in, and interior walls covered in graffiti.
Owner Mark Byrd of Sand Bank said the building had been in that condition since long before he purchased it three years ago, and that local residents had complained to him that young people “seem to wander over there” so last fall he applied for a demolition permit. When the work didn’t proceed fast enough, someone complained to the county, and building inspector Jamie Wilks told Byrd he had to either repair it, board it up to prevent entry, or take it down.
“It’s an unsafe structure,” said Wilks. “It’s falling to pieces, and it’s unfit for human occupancy.”
While the county doesn’t go around looking for buildings ...

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