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Five ways to give back to your community when you spend locally

At Chesapeake Bank, our motto has always been, “It’s all about community” because we know we’re only as strong as the communities we serve. “The Buck Stays Here” is our initiative to encourage local spending for goods and services because small businesses are the backbone of the towns we know and love.
Did you know that when you support a local business, you’re not just supporting a friend on a business adventure or dream? You’re also impacting your whole community.
Here are five ways you help make a difference by spending locally:—Small businesses pay local taxes, like you, which helps to keep your community looking good;—Many small businesses try to buy their goods and services from neighboring businesses, further stimulating the economy;—Did you know that small businesses make up 47 percent of the national workforce, which means that almost half of the jobs in your neighborhood are employed by them?—It is also often a small business that sponsors or supports your charities, nonprofi...

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