The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources and the Abingdon Ruritan Club hosted a youth fishing event on June 4 at Beaverdam Park for the 20th year running. According to a press release, more than 20 children took part in the day of fishing. Supplies for the event were provided by DWR while the Ruritans provided food and water. At the end of the day, the youngsters received new fishing poles from Walmart via grant funding. Adults taking part in the event included, back row from left, Sgt. Tyler Bumgarner, Roy Morris, Kailee Morris, Roger Dick, Frank Gillerlain, Ann Yoder, Ann Dugas, Dianne Woolley, John Pendergraft, Chuck Harris; front row, Bunny Ekdahl, Betsy Tuttle, Jhie Hale, Sid Dugas, John Snyder, Julianna Woolley and Mike Ekdahl.
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