Gloucester Volunteer Fire and Rescue Assistant Fire Prevention Officer Anthony Saccaro, Lieutenant Justin Russ, and Firefighters A.J. Hamilton and Christine Hicks recently made fire prevention presentations at Botetourt Elementary School with Engine 10. They were there to teach preschoolers not to be afraid of firefighters wearing their full ensemble of personal protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus. To some small children, a firefighter in full PPE might look like a scary being and sound like Darth Vader of the Star Wars movies, causing them to hide from firefighters instead of calling out to them in an emergency situation. The team also gave the children a demonstration of the engine’s deck gun and booster line. The GVFRS Fire Prevention Team is available to conduct safety presentations and surveys for residents, schools and groups located within our response district (generally White Marsh to the King and Queen and Middlesex county lines) by appointmen...
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