A Gloucester family is working to turn a life-threatening illness that has turned their lives upside down into a hopeful future for a brother and son who is in need of drastic measures to help treat his rare disease.
The entire family, along with the help of countless other medical and scientific professionals, has established the nonprofit organization, “Save Jon.”
Jon Boyette, a 2006 graduate of Gloucester High School, was first diagnosed six years ago with the autoimmune liver disease, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). The disease causes inflammation and, later, obstruction of the bile ducts in and around the liver. It can eventually lead to serious issues such as cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer and liver failure.
Jon’s sister, Lisa Boyette, a 1998 GHS graduate, now a physician-scientist, was going through crucial parts of medical school when her brother was learning more about his disease. According to his other sister, Katie Boyette, Lisa couldn&rsq...
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