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Extras sought for local film

Actors in their 60s and 70s are needed as extras for a short film being shot on location in Gloucester and surrounding areas from Oct. 17 to 20.
Ellis Finney, a Gloucester High School graduate, is working on an MFA degree in film at Columbia University, and for his graduate thesis, he’s directing the film “sport star” about an aging football coach spending his last days in Gloucester. The film involves a scene at a high school reunion, which will be shot on Oct. 17 at the Watermen’s Museum in Yorktown. Around 10 extras are needed for this scene, said Finney.
Working with Finney is creative producer and fellow student Jeff Lichtenstein of Columbia, Maryland.
The film is partially funded by a grant from the Cook Foundation of Gloucester.
For more information, email Lichtenstein at

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