School gardens and farm field trips provide valuable real-life learning experiences for children. But some educators don’t have the resources to make them happen.
That’s why Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom is launching another round of educator grants for those who want to provide agricultural experiences for children inside and outside the classroom. The grants aim to help educators expand children’s understanding about the sources of their food and fiber, and how farming and agriculture impact their daily lives.
Virginia AITC will award over $30,000 for the 2024-25 school year to support educator projects. Teachers and other organizations like 4-H clubs and FFA chapters that work with schools and parent-teacher associations can apply for up to $500 for agriculture-related initiatives.
“AITC grants provide teachers with an opportunity to connect students to a wide variety of agricultural experiences,” said Tammy Maxey, Virginia AITC’s executive director. “Projects like school ga...
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