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Editorial: What’s old is new again

Demonstrations on campuses across the country bring to mind the late 1960s. This time, the protests are against Israel’s war in Gaza, not because of the justifiable pursuit of Hamas, but prompted by the huge number of civilian casualties.
Some ugly charges are being lobbed by the protestors, probably amplified by the emotions of crowds. Arrests are being made … we hope not against opinions, but for actual crimes among the protestors.
(Anti-war does not necessarily signal anti-Semitic; pro-Palestinians does not necessarily mean pro-Hamas. In today’s tribal world, it is very easy to ignore the distinctions.)
Last time, the protests were of course against our (seemingly unending) involvement in the Vietnam War.
A few have suggested, this time, bringing out the National Guard to control the demonstrations. If the students remain peaceful there is no need for overkill; they are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. If they violate the law, there are plenty of police on hand to dea...

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