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Editorial: Voting 103

Okay, so you’ve decided how you’re voting. You’ve selected your choice for president and vice president. You’ve made up your mind whether you’re supporting Tim Kaine’s reelection bid for U.S. Senate or are voting for Republican challenger Hung Cao. And you’ve decided whether to cast a ballot for incumbent Congressman Rob Wittman or his Democratic challenger, Leslie Mehta. You know everything that’s going to be on the Nov. 5 ballot.
But wait a minute, that’s not everything. This year, Virginia voters will be tasked with making one more decision—a proposed Constitutional amendment. Voters will be asked the following:
“Should the Constitution of Virginia be amended so that the tax exemption that is currently available to the surviving spouses of soldiers killed in action is also available to the surviving spouses of soldiers who died in the line of duty?”
The Virginia Constitution requires that all property be taxed, setting out specific types of property that may be exempted. Currently, ...

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