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Editorial: Voting 102

The 2024 Election Day is now less than eight weeks away. It’s sooner than that if you decide to vote early, either in person or by mail-in ballot.We’re assuming you checked everything off your list from our “Voting 101” editorial last week, that you meet all the state requirements, are registered to vote and have gone online to verify that you are in good standing, just to be sure.
Say that you have already decided how you’re going to cast your ballot and you just want to get it over with. Well, you’re in luck. Not too long ago, Virginia expanded its early voting opportunities.
The General Assembly enlarged access to early voting ahead of the 2020 elections in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to that, Virginians had to meet one of a number of criteria (such as being out of town on Election Day or being at work all day) in order to qualify for an absentee ballot. The change opened up excuse-free early voting, both in person and by absentee ballot.
Beginning next Friday, Sept. 20...

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