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Editorial: Voice of the people

It’s a great thing that residents are passionate and engaged in current affairs. We do welcome their letters, but here we add that there are some limits.
We have an absolute limit on the space available for letters. We have a policy for letters to the editor that runs each week on this page, and we urge our writers to read it first, and to follow it.
We are most interested in letters that comment on matters of local importance, and we certainly welcome positive letters about individuals, current affairs, and the community. And there are limits on this as well. We reserve the right to edit and to refuse letters.
State and national politics can be fair game, but please stop beating on the same drum over and over. We want fresh commentary.
There are times we give our space to topical material, especially at Thanksgiving, when we ask readers what makes them thankful, and we are grateful for their response. We will start asking again in about one month. Please be thinking about it.
Now, tod...

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