With the excitement and fun of July 4 in the rear view mirror, it is time to settle down into the dog days of summer.
These days are suddenly shorter. Since the beginning of summer on June 21, we have already, as of today, lost 13 minutes of daylight. Shorter, but not cooler. The heat and humidity are upon us, and thus we lie around like dogs trying to find a shady spot.
So, shorter days, shorter commentary. Here are some views on current items of news:
Davis Creek markers
It’s sad that Davis Creek, once the throbbing heart of Mathews County’s commercial fishing industry, may lose its lighted channel markers. Navigation is everything if your boat has a deep draft. If you doubt the channel, you will not try to get into the creek. The marina will suffer. This is another blow for the county’s struggling economy.
But did you know? The proposed 2018 budget proposed by the Trump administration cuts funds for the U.S. Coast Guard, which maintains the aids to navigation. But ...
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