We are not the only ones who are dismayed. Read this:
“In today’s political climate, it seems that many have allowed their political views to define who they are rather than simply reflect what they believe. When personal identity is tied so closely to ideology, any challenge to one’s worldview feels like a personal attack rather than an opportunity for meaningful discussion. As a result, civil discourse has become nearly impossible.”
Jon Morr, who submitted this in a letter to the editor last week, summed up our current national sense of unease beautifully.
We have to stop shouting at each other.
We were also very impressed by a letter from Sue Sherrill, who wrote about the nation’s current divisions, spoke of the rights of each side to express differing views, and concluded, “Never let us forget that our Constitution, along with its Bill of Rights, grants to each of us citizens the freedom to exercise religion of our choosing, speech, press, as well as, to peacefully assemble and pet...
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