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Editorial: Know your Mathews supervisors

The Mathews County Board of Supervisors begins 2025 with chairman Tim Doss and vice chair Tom Bowen at the helm.
Stepping down from the role of chairman is Janice Phillips, with David Jones and Mike Walls rounding out the five-member board which is responsible for developing a budget and tax rates, deciding land use issues and myriad other issues that come before it.

The board meets at 6 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month in the historic courthouse. County residents have the chance to address their concerns at these meetings, with time set aside both at the start and the end.

But those who wish to bring up matters of concern don’t have to wait until the third Thursday rolls around. Board members can be contacted directly, either by phone or email.

They can be reached at:

Tim Doss ( or 804-815-1603); Tom Bowen ( or 804-990-0791); David Jones ( or 804-384-7142); Janice Phillips ( or 804-990-0806); and Mike Walls ( or 804-384-8143). Additionally, the county can be reached at 804-725-7172. County Administrator Ramona Wilson can be reached at that number as well, or, via email, at

But, as we reminded you last week about the Gloucester board, if you plan to reach out, please remember to be respectful; odds are they will be more receptive to your concerns if you are. The members of the Mathews County Board of Supervisors are your neighbors. While they do get paid (a small stipend), they are doing this relatively thankless job because they want a better Mathews County. A little kindness goes a long way; the old phrase “You catch more flies with honey” comes to mind.

These men, and woman, are charting the course for Mathews County. If there is something they should know, some problem that needs to be addressed, they are available to listen. That is essentially what participatory governance and democratic engagement is all about.