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Editorial: Getting its due

It’s been a great time recently for preserving Gloucester’s African American history.
In August, the T.C. Walker-Woodville Rosenwald School Foundation officially took ownership of Woodville School, which had served the black community in the Ordinary area as a Rosenwald school.
The building, built in the early 1920s, was purchased for $50,000 from the county’s Economic Development Authority. The Gloucester EDA bought the building in 2012 with the vision of making it a place for community activities. The foundation was formed that same year, conducted fundraising efforts and is now poised to make that vision a reality. While the county’s other Rosenwald schools have been relegated to the history books, Woodville School will live on for future generations.
A few weeks later, word came out that Hampton University would be getting a little over $100,000 to help with the ongoing preservation of the Gloucester Court House home of Thomas Calhoun Walker. It was subseque...

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