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Editorial: Be prepared (officially)

This is Hurricane Preparedness Week in Virginia, as declared by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.
It’s our feeling that people who have lived in this area for a decade or more always maintain a state of awareness and preparedness for hurricanes. We have seen what hurricanes can do. It’s best to know.
If you are new to this area, do a little research. If your property is on the waterfront or in a low-lying area, do a bit more research; find out if you would have to evacuate.
If you have elderly neighbors, give them a thought … how could you help them?
If you have farm animals or pets, and your property is threatened, how would you protect them?
All of these considerations enter into preparedness, which is more than having extra radio and flashlight batteries on hand.
If the topic gives you pause, go to to help you be ready, come what may.

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