To every thing there is a season, and with summer, there are many good things.
From now through, say, the middle of August, it is useful to dial back the petty cares and routines and rants in order to find time to appreciate some of these good things.
Put out of your mind the heat and humidity that will soon bring their full assault. Instead, try to enjoy the long days, cooler evenings on the screen porch, lightning bugs, fresh corn and tomatoes, ripening watermelons … bicycle rides, crabbing from the dock, lying by a pool, walking on the beach, boat rides, July 4th fireworks.
It’s a time to visit with neighbors, while both of you take breaks from cutting the grass; when one takes a bag of zucchinis and cucumbers to the other (what can we do with all those squash?); when a toddler crosses the property line to investigate your sprinkler.
Today the magnolias and hydrangeas are in full bloom. Next month will bring the long-lasting and varied palette of the crape myrtles, road...
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