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Drainage improvements underway on Mathews Court Green

Work is proceeding on drainage improvements to the Mathews Court Green, but two planned upgrades won’t be part of the project at this time: a gazebo and a sidewalk leading to it.
Mathews County Planning and Zoning Director Thomas Jenkins said that taking these two items off the table for now reduces the cost of the project by between $65,600 and $70,700, amounts which represent the range of the bids for the gazebo and sidewalk combined. The total cost of construction is now $66,440.
While the county budgeted $40,000 for the project last year, Jenkins said it is planning budget cutbacks because of the coronavirus pandemic’s possible effect on county revenues, and he isn’t sure the court green project funding will be included. The project is being funded by the Mathews Main Street Committee and a private donor.
Jenkins said the contractor, William Wills of Middlesex, still needs to rebuild the concrete drainage box adjacent to the curb on Brickbat Road, complete the grading, and put a du...

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