More delays have hindered the Gloucester Library relocation of its branch at Gloucester Point to a new facility at York River Crossing Shopping Center, Hayes. But library director Diane Rebertus said Monday that plans are still in a place for a grand opening of the branch at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15.
When the installation company arrived at the new site recently to set up the shelves, Rebertus said, they found the shipment was missing some of the apparatus for the assembly. So they will have to come back to finish that job soon, she said.
Also, the company that was to move the library books from one location to the other found itself without enough book carts for the move, Rebertus said, and had to reschedule.
The latest plan, branch coordinator Marge Jones said Tuesday, is for the moving company to haul loaded carts of books from the old branch (a former dental office) to the new location (once a medical clinic and florist shop) this Friday. Library staff will unload books...
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