Gloucester Point Baptist Church held a dedication dinner and service on Sunday for its Fellowship Hall expansion. The expansion was initiated with an informal groundbreaking in April 2020. Construction took longer than expected due to impacts from the pandemic. The expansion doubled the hall’s usable space, added a new much larger kitchen as well as two restrooms with showers. Church member L.T. Wells was the contractor and he was recognized during Sunday’s service and presented a glass statue as a token of appreciation. The new cornerstone was generously donated by Hogg Funeral Home and will be installed on the outside of the building. In top photo, Wells (center) is shown at the presentation with Pastor Bud Goude and, at right, Deacon Chairperson Debra Wood, who is shown presenting the appreciation statue on behalf of the church. The cornerstone can also be seen. In bottom photo, Helen Spence, Joyce Marshall, Ann Hogge, Laraine Sentz, Nancy Dyson and Paulette Ashe, from left, were th...
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