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Dean’s lists

Adelena Bracken, Victoria Wilson and Aiden Thompson, all of Gloucester, were named to the spring semester dean’s list at Bridgewater College. The recognition requires a 3.4 or higher grade point average. 
The following local students were named to the spring semester dean’s list at James Madison University: Nina Garland, Owen Rousselle, Avery Prince, Catherine South and Mary Leigh, all of Gloucester; and Chloe Hargis of Hayes. The recognition requires a 3.5 or higher grade point average. 
Lachelle Lanice De Groat of Gloucester was named to the spring semester dean’s list at James Madison University where she is a senior majoring in psychology. The recognition requires a 3.9 or higher grade point average.
Amy Hogge of Hayes was named to the spring semester dean’s list at Coastal Carolina University. The recognition requires a 3.5 or higher grade point average. 
Baylor Towne was named to the spring semester dean’s list at the University of Vir...

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