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Daffodil Festival deadlines announced

The 2023 Gloucester Daffodil Festival is scheduled to return April 1-2 and will center around the theme, “Let’s Jazz it Up, the Trumpets are Blooming.”
Gloucester’s Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department began accepting applications on Feb. 1 for the 2023 Daffodil Festival Parade. Meanwhile, the deadline to submit applications for Little Miss Daffodil and the Annual Scholarship is Feb. 10. The 2023 festival is set to feature a full schedule of live entertainment. The Amazing Mutt Show will also return for 2023, as well as many other favorites.
“We appreciate all of our sponsors who continue to support the festival and welcome new sponsors,” said festival coordinator Debbie Wesolowski. “We could not do it without you.”
The Daffodil Festival Queen represents the Daffodil Festival and Gloucester County at several events during the year. The Queen’s program is open to females in Gloucester, ages 16-19 years old. When the Daffodil Festival Queen fulfills her responsibilities, she may be e...

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