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Croquet national championship returns to Hartfield

The top croquet players in the country will be coming to Hartfield to compete in the 33rd annual National Association Laws Croquet Championship Sept. 15-20 at the Middlesex County venue on Twiggs Ferry Road.
The event is sponsored by the United States Croquet Association, in conjunction with the Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club.
“Do not mistake this for the backyard game that most people are familiar with,” said Macey White of the Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club. “Competitive croquet is played on highly manicured lawns resembling a golf green except perfectly flat with 105’ x 84’ dimensions. The Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club is one of the larger croquet venues in the country with eight full-size lawns and has become one of the more popular destinations for croquet in the United States.”
Competitive croquet is mostly played in the U.S. under four different sets of rules. This particular event is being played under Association Laws which is the standardized game played worldwide for over 150 years ...

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