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County’s new maintenance shed goes up

The shell of Mathews County’s new 50’ x 80’ maintenance facility was in place and due for inspection Monday morning.
Located on the old Davis property adjacent to the Mathews High School’s baseball field and Port Fun, the building will have four bays for front entry and three for rear entry, with the back portion of the bay on one end to be completed as office, restroom, and storage space. Storage shelves will line the wall on the other end of the building, as well, said Mathews Grounds and Facilities Manager Tim Tillage. He said equipment and supplies for his department are currently located in various county buildings and it will be good to get everything in one place.
The board of supervisors had allocated $350,000 for construction of the facility, but Tillage said that the Hampton Roads Sanitation District, which services the county’s sanitary district, is requiring construction of a new pump station because the pump station located at Port Fun doesn’t have enough vacuum power to s...

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