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Community shows support for grieving family

Family, friends and members of the community who were touched by a 13-year-old boy who disappeared Friday gathered Monday evening at the very spot Chandler “Chad” Shetterly was last seen alive to say farewell by holding a candlelight vigil.
More than 100 people gathered at the Gloucester Point Beach to reflect on Chad’s life and receive comfort that he is now in a better place.
Longtime family friend Amanda Robbins, who organized the vigil, said she wanted the family to see first-hand the support that was within the community standing behind them during their time of grief.
Robbins said she grew up with one of Chad’s older sisters, Tiffany, and said Chad was exactly like her little brother. “He loved being outside working on things,” she said. “Tiffany and the family never had a bad thing to say about him. He was so sweet from what they all have said.”
Chad’s family is “probably the closest family I’ve ever met … ...

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