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Christmas goods, candy, nuts, and thanks to friends

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Dec. 16, 1909from the Mathews Journal
Christmas Goods, Rifles, for boys from 50c to $1.50. As you know I am headquarters for CANDY and NUTS, etc., well, I have a nice assortment this year. I appreciate the liberal patronage which my kind friends have given me this fall, my business has been better this fall than it has ever been, considering the stock I have carried and I feel very grateful to my many friends. Come to see me and I will try to please you. —S.P. James
110 YEARS AGOThursday, Dec. 17, 1914from the Mathews Journal
For sale: Some 8-weeks’ pigs. Residence next to High School. W.E. Mayo, Mathews, Va.
Wanted: A good milch cow; must be capable of furnishing two gallons daily. Address Calf, care Mathews Journal.
For sale: International 4-passenger car, $140; good running order. John Sanders, North, Va.
For sale: A good second hand Wrenn top Buggy, in thoroughly good condition; full leather top and curtains, price $25. —W.L. Shield, Mathews, Va.
For sale: Se...

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